Welcome to Objectechne Studio

We are a Charlotte area based Studio dedicated to the crafting of thoughtful Architecture.

Pronounced ob·ject·​tech·​ne. Our name speaks to our dedication to both the built objects of the architecture process and the techniques of how these objects are created. We believe that architecture is made for people by people and should be engaging from start to finish.

Our Architecture is an outcome of a critical and iterative discussion between us and our clients and the craftsmen that help manifest our designs.

Ryan Stell, RA NCARB - Principal

Ryan is the Founder and the licensed Architect for Objectechne Studio. He is a registered Architect in North Carolina and South Carolina with the ability to acquire a license in many other states. He holds a B.S. in Building Science from Appalachian State University and Masters in Architecture from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Ryan has over 12 years of design experience and has delivered a wide range of projects from home renovations to multimillion dollar schools and commercial office buildings.